Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Plastic Bags: Popular Myths and Their Truths

Myth: Bag fees don’t change human behavior
Truth: They don’t if they are too small. A nickel a bag doesn’t change behavior but $0.20 or $0.25 a bag does. While smaller bag fees provide funds for municipalities, they don’t cause enough pain to get people to mend their ways.

Myth: Our city doesn’t have a litter problem
Truth: Wake up! You just aren’t seeing it, or your residents are dumping them in someone else’s back yard. Through storm sewers and waterways, they find their way to the coast and beyond, impacting large numbers of wildlife.

Myth: Charging for something previously free is unconstitutional.
Truth: You are paying for them in higher prices at the checkout and in the petroleum products used to make them.

Myth: We reuse our plastic bags for other things like pet litter and lining wastebaskets, so they make sense.
Truth: They have their uses, but if you buy pet litter bags, they are biodegradable and you only buy what you will use.

Myth: Recycling makes more sense than charging for bags.
Truth: Do the math. It costs $34/ton to make them, and $4,000 to recycle them. At most, only 3% of bags are recycled.

Myth: Why single out plastic bags with fees? Paper bags are resource-intensive, too.
Truth: Plastic bag tax laws also include paper bags. The behavior we’re seeking is bringing your own sturdy reusable bags.

Myth: Reusable bags are so unsanitary, they will spread disease.
Truth: Yeah, right. Obviously anything reusable (like our clothes) has to be washed periodically. Throw them in with a load of towels or whatever.

Myth: It’s uncool to bring your own bags. You look miserly.
Truth: In Ireland, as soon as the plastic bag tax passed, anyone carrying plastic bags became socially unacceptable. If carrying around old tote bags with company logos on them bothers you, make some of your own and design your statement, or flowers, or whatever. If you have your own business, put YOUR logo on your bags and get free press.

- (excerpted from

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