Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Plastic Bags Around the World

Nothing much has happened lately in the struggle to reduce plastic bag litter. When I walk into the grocery store and pass someone coming out with a shopping basket piled high with plastic bag-wrapped groceries, I groan inwardly. What I want to do is to stop them, slap them around a little, and tell them to wake up and look at the pictures of what they are creating! But because I was not brought up like that, I don't. It helps just to think about it.

Soon, I will be leaving on a trip to 16 countries, 12 of them in Africa. I will be keeping track of all the plastic bag litter we encounter and bringing back pictures illustrating this problem. Sometimes, a picture is worth 1000 words. What I would ask is for everyone who reads this to really look at what litter is doing to this country, but even worse underdeveloped countries of the world. Perhaps it will sour our taste for convenience and disposables. I truly hope so.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Good morning! I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know about some exciting news! is a finalist for Green Business of the year. Please vote for us - it only takes a minute! According to Green America, this award is "A celebration of the leaders of the green economy and a challenge to corporate America to follow their path."

Vote at’s efforts have made a tremendous impact: as of 2009, we have empowered customers to reduce consumption of use-and-toss items by more than 750 million units. The company is also a member of 1% For the Planet and has donated more than $140,000 to environmental organizations. Plus, we conduct business so that it benefits people and the planet.

For more info, visit our site at .

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