Friday, May 2, 2008

Walking More and Enjoying It More

I’m walking to a client meeting, my backpack on my back. On the way, I’m stopping to drop off and pick up library books, pick up a few things at the drugstore, and-oh! A movie. No plastic bags involved. Over the winter and spring, I have become very attached to my backpack. It’s a sturdy daypack, really, but lightweight. It allows me to wear a sun or rain-shielding hat, a light jacket, and carry a small umbrella, all with my hands free. When I get to my meeting, I stow the hat and jacket, pull out my portfolio, and I’m all business. Did I mention I got a five-mile walk in the process?

Part of weaning ourselves from plastic bags involves developing new habits. Where in the past, or present for some of us, a meeting, drugstore, video store, etc would have meant three separate car trips, resulting in lots of emissions, wear and tear on our autos as they burn solid-gold fuel, and more of a paunch around our middles. All it takes is some good equipment, and a new routine, one that is planned out in advance to make more efficient use of our time, and to serve double and triple-duty. What errands can you combine? How can you incorporate more biking or walking and less driving? How can you keep backpacks and tote bags convenient so you are never without a reusable bag when you need one? Think about it.

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