Friday, November 20, 2009

Tis the Season-To Think About the Environment

Well, here we are approaching the holidays again—and shopping. What’s it going to be? More plastic bags for your purchases, or have you really reformed and carry your reusable bags everywhere?

In earlier blogs, I’ve given good reasons for eschewing plastic bags. At this time of year, when we are searching our databanks for cool, yet inexpensive gift ideas, think about giving the gift that keeps on giving—to our environment: give all your friends and relatives good quality reusable, washable bags. I have a pile of bags in every car that I’ve accumulated over the years at conferences, trade shows, and ecology events. My favorite ones came as gifts:
• My friend Kathy made me two large cloth bags with sturdy handles. She stenciled flowers on them and they are darling; plus, they hold a lot! I just throw them in the washing machine.
• My sister Beth bought each of us a sturdy canvas tote on which she had stenciled a big peace symbol (yep, we’re Baby Boomers, all right).
• I bought string bags for my nieces and nephews to get them on the road to reusables.
Cloth bags are a palette to unleash your artistic talents. You can put anything memorable on them, even family pictures. How’s this: give your younger brother a big tote bag with his naked baby picture on it. His kids will think it’s hilarious.
If you’d rather branch out, you can go to and pick out any number of environmentally friendly products for kids, adults, athletes, seniors. Some of their really neat things include:
• Fun-print nylon-lined Velcro lunch baggies (Do you know how many of those throw-away lunch baggies a family goes through in a year? Trailer-loads)
• Nalgene water bottles
• Big totes and string bags
• Thermal coffee mugs that go in the dishwasher and microwave (I love mine)
• Sippy cups for the tots
• Camping cookware
• Silverware
• Christmas drawstring wrapping bags.
If you are going to make tote bags, get some Christmas fabric, some bias tape or ribbon, and make your own drawstring package wrapping. Your gift recipients will love them and are guaranteed to regift at least the wrapping. They are so simple to make.
There are so many ways we can reduce waste and increase personal connections with a little thought. Let me know if you use any of these ideas.