Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Power of One--for Good or Bad

Delta Sky Magazine did an excellent piece in their March issue on the power of one: doing something once that can have a profound effect on the environment. Here is an example:

If every newspaper reader in the U.S. recycled just one Sunday paper and all its inclusions, it would generate 212 million pounds of cellulose insulation, enough to insulate 118,767 Habitat for Humanity homes, twice as many homes as Habitat has built in the U.S. so far.

To read more of these thought-provoking statistics, go to:

The idea is to live our lives consciously and think about each thing we do that can have an impact on our world.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Walking More and Enjoying It More

I’m walking to a client meeting, my backpack on my back. On the way, I’m stopping to drop off and pick up library books, pick up a few things at the drugstore, and-oh! A movie. No plastic bags involved. Over the winter and spring, I have become very attached to my backpack. It’s a sturdy daypack, really, but lightweight. It allows me to wear a sun or rain-shielding hat, a light jacket, and carry a small umbrella, all with my hands free. When I get to my meeting, I stow the hat and jacket, pull out my portfolio, and I’m all business. Did I mention I got a five-mile walk in the process?

Part of weaning ourselves from plastic bags involves developing new habits. Where in the past, or present for some of us, a meeting, drugstore, video store, etc would have meant three separate car trips, resulting in lots of emissions, wear and tear on our autos as they burn solid-gold fuel, and more of a paunch around our middles. All it takes is some good equipment, and a new routine, one that is planned out in advance to make more efficient use of our time, and to serve double and triple-duty. What errands can you combine? How can you incorporate more biking or walking and less driving? How can you keep backpacks and tote bags convenient so you are never without a reusable bag when you need one? Think about it.